I had a small paper to write for class and got really into it. came outnot half bad, and thought id share it.
after reading this:
Ego vs Depth Interpretations (please read before going on.)
i went on to writing the following.
The male ego has been the cause of many discussions on weather or not it can have a radical effect on other people, especially women. Taking into consideration the research (
http://www.bapfelbaumphd.com/Ego_vs_Depth.html) provided by Dr. Bernard Apfelbaum, it can be easily understood that men cannot help doing what they do because they are in somewhat born that way. It is often a misconception that a man has a bigger ego because he is more of an “alpha-male”. This can be explained considering the fact that more of an “alpha-male” a man is the greater his fear of emasculation, repression, and castration would be, since his belief would be that he has reached an apex in life. At this point it should be asked what an “alpha-male” is or a real man? This cannot be answered directly since some men might consider it to be who has the most money, charm, politeness, physical beauty, power or otherwise. But a common point that all men have is what defines them as men and separates them from the other sex, their phallic dominance and ability to spread their seed. All which would comply with Dr. Bernard Apfelbaum explanation of mans ego and how it represses women and other men. Men want dominance and power because of their fear of other men. This can be related to how the world is changing these past few years, transitioning from a belief in monogamy to polygamy. It could be considered that the average worldwide male ego level has decreased since the increase in the belief in polygamy, since there is no longer a need to repress other males and dominate both sexes. Although it would be religiously unethical to fully condole polygamy, people would say it would be ignorant to allow men to have their ego’s dominate all people around them. So would it be blasphemy to un-augment men’s egos by condoling polygamy? Perhaps it can be related to women’s curiosity and wish to become more equal with men (which I fully agree with) in the ability to have multiple partners in some religions, having multiple wives and remaining pseudo monogamous.
Finally it could be concluded that men do suffer from augmented egos, conversely it is difficult to tell weather or not having an ego or not having one at all is good. One thing for sure can be said, many men do suffer from immature egos, and because their immature egos which thrash at any potential competitor, innocent bi-standards must suffer.
sorry for any grammar mistakes if any, and not using so many paragraphs.. if you find this in any way extreemist, then i just blame it on the prof for provoking me and my weird way of thought. she just keeps insisting that men are the bane of womens development and advance in the world... she needs to chill out :P
thanks for taking the time to read.