Originally posted by sapiens
It's very interesting to read about the spritual/religious makeup of TFP'ers.
I'm curious: why do people believe what they do? If you are an atheist, why? If you are Muslim, Buddhist, christian, Jewish, etc., why? Why do you believe what you believe?
As a child, I believed that way because that was what I was taught.
As an adult, well, it has been a long long road of introspection and examination and prayer to get me to the point I am now.
And Yes, I have studied other religions, in particular, eastern religions extensively. I can tell you the differences between Theravedan, Mahayana, Zen, and True Path Buddhism, the fundamental difference between Taoism as a religion and Taoism as a philosophy, as well as the different sects of Hinduism and some of their sacred writings.
Many years ago I learned some of the tenents of the ancient Mayans and Aztecs including a study of the gods, Choc Mol and Quetzlcoatl.
Further, I can cite the fundamental teachings of Catholocism, most main stream protestant sects, as well as some less main stream such as the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and the Jehovah's witnesses.
On my plate is a better understanding of Islam from the
kafir's standpoint.
In the end, it is as Marcus Borg states, I am a Christian because that is how I best access God.
Edited to say:
Ok, that was showing off a little. But I get irritated when an atheist comments that someone else follows a religion because of 'ignorance'. That is a sweeping statement that is often untrue.