Before I say anything, let me just recommend these three sites, they were a great deal of help for me when I got started:
If you want to lose weight, you must be aware that anymore than 1-2 lbs a week is not healthy (as you already are aware of). You must also understand it cannot be done without a strict cardio program and almost perfect nutrition. Below I have listed an example of what would be a good workout and nutrition plan, the sites I listed above have tons of useful information as well.
7:00am - Six egg-white omelet, oatmeal
10:00am - Protein bar/shake
1:00pm - Grilled fresh tuna with broccoli and roasted new potatoes
4:00pm - Protein bar/shake
7:00pm - Pork tenderloin with asparagus and baked potato
10:00pm - Green salad with cottage cheese
Monday - Chest/Triceps
Tuesday - cardio
Wednesday - Biceps/Back
Thursday - cardio
Friday - Shoulders/Legs
Saturday - cardio
Sunday - cardio
Flat Bench Press 4 sets
Incline Hammer Strength Machine 2 sets
Dumbell Flyes 2 sets
Deadlift 3 sets
Lat Pull down 3 sets
Seated Cable Row 2 sets
Standing Barbell Curls 3 sets
Preacher Curls (with dumbells) 1 set
Tricep Press down 2 sets
Dips (weighted) 2 sets
Squats 4 sets
Leg Extension 2 sets
Leg Curl 2 sets
Seated/Standing Calve Raises 5 sets total (2 or 3 sets each way)
Seated Military Press (with dumbells) 4 sets
Lateral Raises 3 sets
Shrugs 3 sets
I copied the nutrition and workouts from a few different websites, one of which I listed above. Now you don't have to follow these exact workouts and nutrition plans, but I just wanted to give you an example of what would work.
Try and get a balanced nutrition of protein, carbs and fat. 40%/40%/20% would be a good balance. Meaning 40% carbs and protein and 20% fats. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean you can eat any source of fat or carb you want, you have to eat clean foods only. For example, a clean fat would be natural peanut butter; a clean carb would be sweet baked potato. Try and consume protein before and after workouts as well. Make sure you also drink at least a gallon of water a day.
The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you keep track of your calorie consumption.
For your cardio I suggest you go jogging or running for at least 30-45 minutes a day on your cardio days, and if you could do more, even better.
I'm at work right now so this might just seem like a bunch of mixed up crap, and I'm sure I've left out a lot, but I had to rush, if you have any further questions, just let me know.