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Old 12-17-2004, 10:55 AM   #9 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Suave
Well, I think the damage limitation thing is stupid, as it would probably mean that calibres would be limited to below a certain size, but they should still disallow frangible, expaning, etc. ammunition, especially the type that kills with an ass wound. That's just lame and silly. If this stuff is consistently created in large number, it will not stay in the hands of "the good guys", and it will just increase the casualities in war.
Well, what would you rather have happen:

1. That the guy gets shot in the ass and then bleeds to death slowly or possibly has to shit in a bag for the rest of his life?

2. That the guy dies quickly?

I think since it's a war that they should be killing as many as possible in quickest way possible. You're supposed to kill the enemy quickly and humanely, right? You wouldn't want them to lie there slowly draining out, would you?

As for "falling into the hands of the bad guy," well, silly you. They already have shit that blows up so, it's a little late to try and regulate it away from them, don't you thnk?
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