I'm sorry for how much of a cliche it sounds, but you can either beat life or have life beat you.
I was in the same place as an above poster. 2 1/2 jobs, wife @ home with a baby, mortgage, dead car, the works. Hell, I thought I was the poster at first
And I was fucking dipressed about it too. As much as I loved my wife & daughter, I never fucking saw them - I was at work, or they were asleep. It was a long, dreary, i-dont-get-to-see-the-sun life.
And you know what - I worked my fucking ass off at it. Instead of just working the graveyard at the quick-e-mart, I spent the $0.48 I had every month left over on books for computer networking. What I couldn't buy, I begged, borrowed, or stole (well, loaned from the library, but whatever) and when I sat there bored off my ass on the graveyard, wondering if the next guy to come in was gonna shoot me, I studied. And studied. And worked my fucking ass off. And felt I lernt enough about computers to try to get a job - so I went to a company who shall remain nameless who had advertised for an IT geek & told them, look, I have no formal training, no experience, but I know my shit, and here's proof, and I want you to hire me, completely without salary, for one month. If you like my work, you give me the job with pay. You don't, you walk away from me.
Well, apparently my no-bullshit attitude got my foot in the door....so I quit my day gig, and took another graveyard job for the nights I wasn't doing graveyards already, and worked my fucking ass off.
And after 4 days, I was hired on full-time at 3x the wage of my former 2 1/2 jobs combined.
Yes, life sucks when you're not seeing anything happen for you. Yes, its really fucking hard to get out of that rut.
But seriously, a good attitude and hard work will get you there. Seriously