Tweaking a Video Card
My primary system:
512MB RAM (PC2100--yes, I know I need to upgrade, just don't have the cash now)
Abit IS7 MoBo
GeForce 5700 LE video card (256 MB).
Anyway, I don't feel like I am getting the most out of my card and I was wondering if anybody was familiar with the settings for an nVidia graphics card. Sometimes my games are really, really jumpy. I don't really play "new" games, so I figured I may need to adjust my settings. I haven't as of yet out of fear for screwing the whole thing up.
Here are the games I play: BF1942 (and DC mods 7 and 8), CoD and occasionally I go back and play MOHAA (because I enjoyed it so much)--I inherit games, hence the fact that there is nothing really new here. Why pay for a game when I can get it after someone in the family is done with it?
I also do a lot of CAD work.
Oddly enough, BF1942 seems to have more problems than the other games, especially the new DC mod "DCX 8.1".
All of my drivers, for most of the stuff on my 'puter are new and updated.
I went through the settings for the graphics card, but I didn't know what most of it meant, so I didn't change anything.
Oh yeah, I run my games in 800 x 640.