Originally Posted by Master_Shake
I don't think it's just you, that's what faith is, and that's why it's so dangerous.
Faith is not inherently good or evil, any more than science is. How someone uses faith is what makes it "dangerous", much like how science can be used for "dangerous" means. Faith can be used as a reason for genocide, and faith can be used as a reason to devote your life to feeding the hungry. Science, in the same token, can be used to invent new ways to kill people, and it can also be used to discover new medicines to keep people alive.
If I hand a man a hammer, and that man uses it to bash someone in the head, do we blame the hammer? Do we say that the hammer is evil and dangerous? Do we blame the carpenter's union that the man is a member of? The hammer, in the hands of a madman, is a dangerous weapon. In the hands of a responsible, caring human, that same hammer could be used to build shelters for the underprivleged. The hammer, itself, is not good or evil. It's how the hammer is used.