When We Were Kings. Wonderful.
The Endurance - Rented "Shackleton" the very next night. (Endurance is better.)
The World At War, all 26-bajillion parts.
DNA series (PBS?), though Jim Watson creeps me out.
The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization
Evolution series (PBS/Nova?) was good.
I do wish Discovery/Natl.Geo would drop the "WWF" feeling from their shows. We could save the budget with a superlative tax. Or FCC fines. It's obscene and indecent!
Oh, and if they get to vote for "Columbine" then I get to vote for "The Usual Suspects." It's no more a documentary than Moore's stuff, but has the similarity of being about a guy who combines current events, careful editing, and artful storytelling into scary fiction.