I try to be as balanced in my life as possible. For most of my life I've been more of a head person. Always thinking, and usually overthinking things. But I've realized over time that my heart or gut is usually right more, it's just a matter of when I decide to listen to it. In my last couple of long term relationships, I probably knew in my gut very early on that they weren't "the ones" and that we'd fail, but I ignored that feeling. I worked on things. Thought about things in different ways. Worked as hard as I could to make my own reality, but in the end, the gut is always right. If I have a strong urge or hunch to try or do something, I'll usually think of a reason not to. But everytime I don't listen to my head, I end up being the happiest or in the right place. It's odd. So, I guess my point is you definitely need both to be balanced, but if everyone listened and followed their heart/gut/instinct more, I think the world would be happier.
There's a late night thought for you. I hope it makes sense.