I've done poorly in classes, and they've hurt my GPA, however, it's definitely fixable.
Personally, I don't consider myself anything more than an average student, and my grades reflect that. I do really well in the subjects that interest me (English mostly), and average in others.
I now am going a few extra semesters to catch up on a foreign language requirement, and this allows me to take classes I want, and also classes that will help bring up a few of the ones I didn't do so well in.
Also, if later you reach a point where you think your grades are beyond repair, and you want to continue going to college, I'd consider transferring. In many cases, only C's or higher will be transferrable, and thus you are able to get a "fresh start" at the college you transfer to, leaving all your shitty grades behind at the one you left.
Good luck, and don't give up.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.