Originally Posted by AquaFox
just be glad you didn't do it in public
i know a kid who pissed his pants when he a senior in highschool in class... i don't even want to know how embarassed he was... some giggly younger girl came up to him and asked him if he wet his pants shortly after... and he was like... "lets just say my dam broke!" then the people who allready knew told him he was crazy for not keeeping it a secret, cause the whole school ended up knowing....
then in middle school, this kid crapped his pants the first week of school, he was too embarassed to ask to go poop... when he stood up, mr poopie rolled down his leg and onto the floor of the classroom....
Expanding on your post there was a boy in grade 8 that had to take a defecate really badly and ended up taking a dump on the bus...Needless to say he was the brunt of jokes for a REALLY long time. I would try to keep it a secret as best as possible if something like that happened to me..