Auburn and the real BCS problem
There is obviously alot of complaints about the current BCS system. Certain teams feel cheated and in some cases, it is rightfully so. First, I don't consider myself to be biased towards Auburn. In fact, I really despise Auburn football. Nevertheless, I am bothered by what happened to Auburn. It's not even because I think they deserve to be in the national championship. No, what I have a problem with is that Auburn never even stood a chance at playing for the national championship this year. If Auburn humiliated every team they played, I still question if it would have made a difference.
You can try to justify what happened, but you really cannot justify the problem with polling and the ranking system. People keep saying that if Auburn started the season #1, they would still be #1. This is what I find so disappointing. Because people already had an opinion of what they wanted to happen in the season before it even started, one team was not even given an opportunity to state their case even though they did on the field. This year's situation is no different than what we can expect in the future either. Sure, it will be changed again, but it will solve nothing.
I think the failure with polling and the BCS system, then, is that it incorporates a factor that no one wants to see in sports: biased decisions. This year, the system obviously failed because of pre-season polling. People argue that there is many other things that could have been done. However, the reason Oklahoma and USC are 1 and 2 is because they started the season there. Why were they there when the season started?
This is the problem. And every year the BCS seems to incorporate more biased factors. Before people jump and demand playoffs, I really believe you would see similar problems with a playoff system as well. Especially when you have so many 10-1, 9-2, and 8-3 teams.