What about the dorm supervisor? is there one? I'm ignorant of how state schools are run. I went to a very conservative college where students could get campused for not getting their hair cut right or girls got in trouble for getting boy style haircuts or not shaving their legs. But I digress. Go to an authority at your school. School counselor, dorm supervisor, who knows. Get the school involved. This looks bad for the school for parents to walk into a dorm that stinks... To find out their kids are living with a pig... To find out that the guy will harrass you till you respond to him... You've tried to deal with him. Now try to get authority to deal with him. You're his peers. Maybe he needs his parents or some authority figure to deal with him before he'll listen.
If nothing else you can take consolation in the fact that since he cares little for personal hygene or respect for others and seems this dimwitted he may very well flunk out and end up leaving.
I hate to hear of people like this. I had a student once with a similar problem. I ended up calling his parents and they brushed it off saying he couldn't help it and they tried their best, etc. It's likely he's not known care from anyone else. Sad to say, now it's probably too late.
OH and I like Halx idea of donating borax - I'd change that to give him a gift bag of soap, deoderant, shampoo, etc. Could be he just doesn't know how to buy any of that without his parents help. Or he doesn't want to spend the cash or can't. Wouldn't hurt - sundries are cheap.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 12-16-2004 at 12:56 PM..