Originally Posted by brian1975
na stuff can happen at the final printing, i worked a summer job for a local newspaper on there printing press (good pay btw, union..etc) i am going to move to your state/country, take a job in a printing shop and start owning a couple thousand houses, cars, diamond rings, for about 30 bucks, sell them and move to a nice cottage up north!
If that ever happen, the press would be liable, because it was THEIR mistake, not the advertiser's. Besides, there is a reason for this new consumer protection laws exists now, and it is that for a long time, shops has been pulling stunts like this, and when you arrive at the store, they give you the usual "no sir, they have all been sold already, but we have this other one that is better, and only $500.00 more". If the shop acted honestly (what i really doubt as the clerk already knew and had no complaint book) and it was the publicity agency's mistake, then, they can hold them liable for the amount they are loosing.
After reading your comments and checking the law, i'm planning on continue with this. Thank you all and i will let you know how it ends.