I have lived in 4 different regions. Grew up in upstate NY, then moved to boston for 5 years for college, Then Raleigh NC, now Columbus OH. I have heard things I never thought I'd ever hear...
I thought I was pretty normal, drinking soda, or water from a water fountain. Eating a sandwich, maybe flying down a snowy hill on a toboggan. Then I moved to Boston. Soda was replaced by Tonic. I thought that was strange...but dealt with it

I still called it soda. They also called rubberbands "Elastics". Strange, but whatever...
Then I go to NC for a few years. Now they are talking about putting toboggans on their heads! WHAT?? How do you fit through the door? They have the typical southern words like y'all and "used to could". I dealt with it.
Now im living in Ohio, and im learnring a whole new set of words and phrases. When something needs to be fixed, thats just it. it needs to be fixed. Its not "needs fixed"!! Its "needs to be fixed!" SAY IT SAY IT!. This whole pop thing is enough to drive ya crazy but ill get used to that too I suppose.
Anyone live anywhere where they call things differently? what do you say?
I am trying to find a list or website with all the different sayings and words from different places. I found the mecca of soda vs pop but not any other words..
Just my random thought for the day.