Master Shake -- Well, first of all, how would you like it if I said you were going to burn in hell and I'd be there to roast marshmellows? Don't insult Christians; just like I realize there are many good, smart, intellectually responsible atheists whom I just happen to disagree with, you should realize that there are many good, smart, intellectually responsible Christians, with whom you just happen to disagree with. If you want to argue, fine, but the insults don't do anyone any good.
In between insults, you write:
Which of course assumes that some particular ethical life is a good thing, or that there are such things as good and evil.
Yeah, I suppose. I pretty much just assume the existence of good and evil and can't really argue for them.
On Religion and Politics: Not sure how we got here, but here's my .02$ Of course religion is political; all organizations are political in a broad sense. In the narrower sense, of course religion is always political. Even the withdrawal of the hermit or the monk is political. But Christendom has had good effects on the political sphere as well as the bad. Sure you have the crusades, but you also have democracy and the university, and I'm not sure that any of us are wise enough to balance out the scales here. Aside from claims about what Christians really believe and what some people have used Christianity to justify... But this is a bit off-topic, I suppose.