Originally Posted by Pham
In my opinion Total Annihilation is very overrated. It just has too many units meaning that they don't have any purity of purpose. Also the resources are unlimited, which often results in statemales in multiplayer games. This fact is also magnified because defensive structures are too good.
The stalemate between two porcs can indeed occur, which is when something like a Krogoth comes into play. I don't see how TA can be overrated, though, as very few people even know about it anymore. Also, as for the number of units, one of the best things about TA was that you could restrict your unit list before a battle. When they released the FARK I (playing ARM) would utterly dominate my buddy (CORE) with the fast rush. Once we outlawed that and its pathetic counterpart the Necrobot, we were back on even keel.