A really good, trusting relationship with your doc.
These days, people are trying to scam pain meds, etc. from doctors on a daily basis. This makes the doctors very nervous and hesitant about scrips for certain meds.
In my case, my family has seen the same doctor for years and years. She knows me and knows I hate pills. If I take a pill, it is because I really, really need it. If I ask for a pain med, she knows that I must really need it or I wouldn't be asking.
Plus we have a lot of dialog about the side effects, other options, etc, so she knows that I am not just coming in for a scrip.
If you have a good relationship with your doctor, just ask. Most doctors hate insurance companies and care about their patients, if they can help you, they usually try.
Female docs are usually better about this than male docs as females "read" people better.