Originally Posted by Samalie
"Who Wants To Marry My Pigheaded Transgendered Adoptive Brother In Law?"
Of course, what else do you expect from Fox?
I don't watch a lot of television these days and especially not "reality" tv, but I have to say....I'd tune in for that.
The odds on finding a 'pigheaded transgendered adoptive brother in law' would be astronomical I'd bet. Maybe a reality show before the reality show like the open casting part of American Idol to find the 'pigheaded transgendered adoptive brother in law.' Come on, that would be fan-tab-ulous.
Just having a bit of fun.
On a serious note, you seem to single out Fox for programming like this. NBC has a plethora of disgusting "marry off" the nearest relative shows, not to mention Fear Factor, where we get to watch every combination of "average" joe square off to show their prowess at eating monkey testicles. CBS fares little better. They don't seem to have as many shows like this, but they kicked off this 'reality' craze with Survivor, which has to be, hands down, the most over-hyped show....ever.
Now Fox may have some of the stupidest (yes, I said it. stupidest) ideas for these shows, but all the networks are guilty of pushing this shit. Don't like it, don't watch it. I wouldn't hold my breath for the networks to stop pushing this crap. We love to delight in other's misery. Television gives us the medium to participate in the schadenfreudian (is that even a word?) experiment on a grand scale.