The episodes this fifth season have been touch and go. I think most viewers will agree that it's not nearly the same quality as when Sorkin and Schlamme were there. I wish NBC would pay or give whatever those guys asked and bring them back, but the studio is a dinosaur, and they're just trampling to death what was once a brilliant piece of entertainment.
Putting Donna in the hospital was desperate. Killing off Fitzwallace was grasping at straws. This ER guy is no Sorkin. I bet the ratings reflect that.
When you have something working really well, don't you do whatever it takes to keep your aces in their darn places? I mean, they should have just canceled the show when Sorkin left. But they should have kept him and Schlamme until season seven, which should have been Bartlet's last term. Sheesh. It wasn't broke, and they "fixed" it. The NBC heads should find new work.
Now we're looking at Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits. Please. You have to bring in someone with the same caliber, the same momentum as Martin Sheen. Alda ain't it. Neither is Smits.
And I totally agree, there was a huge hole after Rob Lowe's departure. man, it used to be a great show. Now it's just a show trying to be great, not even.
I'm impressed with how well the cast is doing given with what they have to work with in the current writing....good work....
You know, it's like John Spencer's character talked about in tonight's episode. It's just time to move on. Bummer.