Sorry, bernie. You get an e-lollipop

and a kiss.
Originally Posted by bernadette
there is one teensy small flaw in your game here, Fremen...
people change their avatars all the time, so linking them as you did, when the person changes their av, comments are gonna look hella funny sometimes.
say paddyjoe changes his to an image of pile of dog pooh, which i doubt he ever would, but that's just a crude example for example's sake yknow... then people are gonna be saying a pile of dog pooh is "badass".
heh. ok. leave it as it. this could be quite amusing. 
Yup, bernie, I thought of that but forgot to post, really I did.
I don't know if it will continue to work, but I changed avatars and my old one still shows. Maybe it's still in the system.

If it doesn't work, then we'll either have a fun game or a pile of shite.