Originally Posted by archer2371
Those scientists do leave the possibility of evolution open, as good scientists should, because there is a lot of evidence in support of it, but they also leave the possibility of ID open, as good scientists should.
This is a myth, unfortunately, propagated by our unwillingness to hurt people's feelings. But some things are just wrong, and science feels very strongly about that. Being a scientist does not mean you're equally open to all theories, it means you accept proof as presented without undue bias. Unfortunately, the theory of evolution has a lot more study and proof behind it than "intelligent design". In fact, aside from some philosophical problems, wishful thinking, and traditional legends, intelligent design has NO evidence supporting it.
Scientists would not be good scientists if they equally accepted the theory of gravity and a theory that proposed tiny elves hold us to the earth. Although both of those theories might exist, one is superior to the other, and you really don't need to consider both on the same footing. In fact, doing so would make you a *bad* scientist.