Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Well as stated before several times, this current war on terror isn't with some fat red necked bastards, It's with Arab/Muslims. So why would we focus else where? It seems self defeating. Red necked terrorists have an upper hand because guess what??? We live in a country with a bunch of honky ass peckerwoods! Our current problem as it relates isn't with disgruntled federal government hating crackers, it's with American hating Arab/Muslims.
Your point is completely irrelevant unless you're trying to imply that the u.s. currently only has an interest in stopping terrorists from the middle east. If that is what you're trying to imply, you are wrong. If you have an interest in stopping terrorists, you will treat all air travelers as potential terrorists with equal zeal.
Originally Posted by Lebell
No, it would be foolish to say that others are not capable of terrorism, as it would be foolish to use no security measures when dealing with them.
But we both know the reality of the current situation and I'm sure you would not deny it: if you put two people side by side and one was an old white guy from Wisconson and another was a young guy from Syria, the young guy from Syria is statiscally more likely to be the terrorist than the guy from Wisconson.
This isn't racism, it's reality and it can be used to our advantage if we were willing to do so.
Well, statistically, most of us should live in china. I always suspected that most of you were filthy commies.
Statistically, all americans have a greater chance of dying from smoking related illnesses than terrorism.