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Old 12-15-2004, 12:29 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I see no reason why MLB has to collapse. When this collective bargaining agreement runs out, after the '06 season I believe, we may see a lockout or strike. It is too early to say.

But MLB is making money hand over fist, and is really doing quite well in almost every concievable way.

Salary caps and salary floors are terrible ideas, by the way. Which team is it, exactly, that isn't spending enough to field a competetive team? The lowest payrolls go to the A's, the Twins, the Devil Rays, the Brewers, the Pirates. The A's and Twins are really good. The latter three have been famously mismanaged. There is NO correllation between low payrolls and on-field success. The Twins have a payroll as low as just about anyone, and have done quite well, as have the A's. It is very possible to do well without much money. Money only buys security - i.e., extra depth.
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