My gawd. Look at this thread. This is a perfect example of the kind of thing that chased me away from other boards and into the patient, tolerable, intelligent arms of TFP.
Why does this thread exist? Do you people really want to deabte the reliability of ethnic profiling to weed out terrorists, or are you just throwing that out there as bait?
Geez, this thread should be locked. The idea of such a ridiculous arguement just seems so out of place here, and yet everyone's jumping into the fray to have their say, regardless of how pathetic they sound.
What next? Proportion of black males vis a vis white males in federal prisons and how that MUST make them, as a race, more prone to crime. This was a thread on another board that I participated in that degenerated into racial mudslinging, white supremist reactionary diatribe, and even personal attackes and threats.
Come on, we can do better here than just try to stir the pot with crap like this, can't we? And the fact that it was posted without comments, as was already mentioned, makes this look all the more like trolling.
Let's get some better topics going about THINGS THAT MATTER, not about an individual's considerable fear about something intangible based on nothing at all.
There is no such thing as strong coffee - only weak people.