First of all, your murder analogy
was absurd. Murder is a crime against humanity, outlawed in virtually every society. Giving a guy a blow job, while illegal in some places, is not even remotely on par with ending someone's life.
Second, if you read my analogy a bit more closely you'll see that I specifically stated that your Raider-loving friend did not consider himself a vegetarian, ergo, he could not be going against "his beliefs."
Third, what is a gay action? Is there a reference manual passed out by "society" that I forgot to pick up? Is an action born gay or does it choose to be that way?
Fourth, you're being duplicitous. On the one hand you present the "facts" of actions equalling reality while ridiculing my subjectivity:
Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
What this argument comes down to are facts, and you can’t argue facts, but you can make excuses. Being subjective doesn’t change the fact that one committed a gay action.
But then choose to be completely subjective about this notion:
Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
The people you mention that most consider "heroes" does not mean they are, if one followed society’s definition of “hero”, one can not think for themselves to begin with. I personally don't consider either of them "heroes", but that is for a whole other thread.
If you want to go this route, that's fine with me because you're making my point for me. Either you believe actions define an individual (your original point) or you believe people self-define. But you can't have it both ways and still have a valid argument.