Originally Posted by Averett
Jonathan disgusts me. He's bitching about his bag, so he drops it. She picks his up. He smacks her for doing so, when they finished SECOND. The fuck? Phil looks a bit disturbed at him... I'm really hoping that this fool is just playing for the cameras. I feel sorry for his wife.
I would like to know what his "entrepreneur" job actually is, because I couldn't see
anyone wanting to do business with him. And I wish it would have been Jonathan that would have gotten into a fight with Bolo, because it would have been fun to watch Bolo squeeze Jonathan until his little blue-haired head popped off.
Also, I didn't realize until just a few minutes ago that "Victoria" is Victoria Fuller - January 1996 Playboy Playmate.
I guess if you have a Ferrari, it doesn't matter what kind of prick you are.