Thread: Art Music
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Old 12-15-2004, 05:59 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Nova Scotia
my classical music collection lacks a great deal. My fav composer has to be Debussey or Bartok (love Mauhler and Merlios) and of course the all importnat JS Bach. I've spent time studying and analyising their music years ago and I love their uses of harmony and melody. As a jazz musician (I would consider most jazz artish music) I have an extensive collection. Those composers remind me the most of Jazz music and therefore I am gravitated towards it more ethen Mozart or Hayden etc.

It is sad that Jazz/Classical music make up of just around %2 of the market in Music sales. Yet those are the styles of Music that require the largest grasp of their instrument and styles of Music. Not to shoot down other styles, that would be wrong since I play a wide range of Music and teach a wide range of music. The general comment is "Oh I like Jazz" and "I think Classical Music is beautiful" and they probably are not leading you on. However most haphazard listeners to this sort of music see it as diner music, or wedding music and not what they would put on their CD player at home.

It is hard to get your ears around music without Vocalists. Most people lose their interest in non lyrical music and dismiss it as something they cannot relate to. Hence why Vocal/Mainstream Jazz is probably 85% of that 2% of the market that sells in Jazz. If you have a Jazz record that sells 1000 units then you have a hit jazz album. If you sell 100,000 records of a Rock album you have a hit record.
jakewesier is offline  

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