Sorry, no.
Tool use and hunting gathering didn't bring about anything except more hunting and gathering. Fire was nice, but nothing spectacular. Even the wheel is nothing special.
Nothing significant happens in any culture until they begin farming. Only agriculture gifts a people with the time to spend on anything besides food production. Consider it for a bit....
Can you think of any culture that progressed without it? Agriculture freed man to think about something besides where his next meal was coming from.
Civilization was kick-started when people began to farm. Farming let people create surplus food. That had never happened before. Family groupings and tribes were able with other groups for different foods, or perhaps for some finished good such as tanned skins or better arrows. Markets sprang up at confluences of waterways or other easily traveled routes. Population centers grew from markets. Architecture began when people needed larger structures, religions formed (not everything was good) as people dawdled away their free time. Commerce began with traders bringing goods from one market to another. Small government evolved to deal with traders. Toolmaking became a group activity instead of an individual effort. Craft guilds were born to form single marketing entities to deal with the towns and traders.
Nothing happens until agriculture creates a way to make food in excess of the daily requirements.