Just thought I would ask you intelligent folks about something I've had for as long as I can remember. I don't know if others have this or what.
My hands are odd. They're ALWAYS ice cold, and about an inch from the tip of each finger is always red, sometimes beet red. (nice image huh?) About a week ago I went out to brush the snow off my car, it took about 5 minutes, and when I went back inside to the heat, my hands felt like they were stuck in the fire and I couldn't move them very well. They were all beet red and hurt for about a half hour or more after that. And the weather wasn't even cold, my hands were the only part that got affected by the cold.
I figure it's poor circulation or something. I also replied to that 'blacking out' thread about standing up and losing vision and clawing at the walls for life
Can anybody shed some light on this? My dad things I'm weird