Well, my faith has a big part of what goes on in the bedroom. I consider myself a Christian, although I'm not an official member of the church I go to. The basic tenants are love, respect, and responsibillity. In the past I treated my lovers with love and respect, and I was mindful of the consequences of my actions. Children are a consequence of sex, so I never slept with a woman that I didn't at least like and I never had a one night stand.* I was fairly intelligent and took sensible precautions so that I didn't have to make difficult choices.
Currently, I'm married and I have a wonderful son.
Now, if you are refering to sex before marriage, acceptibility of anal sex, homosexuality, etc. My faith guides me there just as strongly. As long as I treat my partner with love, respect, and responsibility, there really isn't anything else to worry about. Jesus gave us two laws, love God with your whole heart and love others as you love yourself. The intent of the law and the prophets depends from those two laws. So, as I see it, as long as I do that I don't think God really cares how my love for another is expressed as long as I follow my guidelines of love, respect, and responsibility.
Baron Opal
* Ok, there was one. And, wow, what a mistake. It's why I never had another.