Originally Posted by Xenomorph
I'm a college student and I'm fast approaching the time when I need to pick my 'yeah, really, I mean it this time' undergraduate major. This means that I need to at least narrow down my eventual career to a few related jobs. I suspect I'm not the only one here that's at the same place at this time of year, so I'll pose general questions rather than asking you to look at it from just my perspective. TFProject is an immediate connection to a large pool of working adults, and while the programs at the guidance office are fine and dandy, I'd like to hear from some of you.
Do you like what you do for 40+ hours a week? Do you hate it? Did you find unexpected benefits from pursuing a certain line of education? Would you have rather studied something else? Is your corner of the job market flooded with people trying to get in, or are there more positions than there are people certified to fill them?
What would you do now if you were pulled back to this pivotal time in your life?
State of mind leads to the most successful career choice and work path in my opionion.
I love my job because I know it's a job. I know i'm expected to work up to 50~60 hours a week and I don't regret it.
I think the worst thing one can do is to expect that doing the minimum is doing enough. What I mean is don't try to find a job because it's only 40 hours a week, or because you don't have to move, or you don't have to train. I find success follows the person that keeps and open mind, headstrong but ready to accept change.
Ultimately the suggestion I can give you is to not define a career as being with one company. Mind you tenure is respected and appreciated, but to me, my career is "Field Trainer and Engineer". Roughly defined the last few jobs I've had has been consistent travel and socialization with people via training or working on their equipment. What stays consistent is that I have a end product that I support and train people on. The product can be different (eg. Computers, Engravers, Sound and Theater, etc..) but the concept is the same.
That's my career, and I love it.