It would only be appropriate to claim I have taken your statement out of context if you presume that I share your belief that there is a scientific basis for Intelligent Design. I do not share that belief. I see Intelligent Design as a philosophy, not a science. I see Evolution as a science, not a philosophy. Not only is it disingenous to compare and contrast the two, but it is potentially dangerous.
So although you may believe that those with religious views deserve the same respect afforded to scientists, that belief in this discussion is only based on your primary belief that Intelligent Design is scientific. If it is not scientific, as I contend and see no evidence to dispute, it is not disrespectful to dismiss it as an invalid comparison to a scientific theory.
And therefore I cannot possibly agree with your conclusion that respect towards those with religious views is sorely lacking by many secularists in general and in this forum in particular. If we're discussing apples and you show up with an orange that you think is an apple and demand a voice in the discussion, I'm going to turn my back on you. You might feel disrepected for it, but I could just as easily claim you disrespected me by attempting to subvert a discussion of apples by demanding the inclusion of your orange.
Last edited by Manx; 12-15-2004 at 01:46 AM..
Reason: added intelligently evolved sentences