one cold as fuck february night in chicago in 1999, i went to my old apartment at fullerton and kedzie to watch the movie ran with my friend and old roommate kelli, who still lived there. around 3 am i stumbled out to my car, full of war-fatigue from the movie, and thinking all kinds of intense thoughts about the book i was working on about a vietnam vet. a light snow had fallen. on my car's windshield, i found this note-- apparently a case of mistaken toyota camrys. poor mario-- catching blame when he was probably at work and not with this other girl. i thought it was a pretty amazing love note, though, really: amber, trying to be all full of bitterness and bile, but giving herself away with her sweet coda-- page me later.
baltimore, maryland
i found this on my car windshield last fall.
my girlfriend and i now close the bedroom blinds.
"While the State exists there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State." - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
"Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form."- Karl Marx
Last edited by omega2K4; 12-15-2004 at 01:27 AM..