Originally Posted by Lockjaw
I have several good looking cousins but I haven't ever really thought of them in that manner. However over the Thanksgiving weekend I was visitng my mom's relatives and all my cousins were there including the two female daughters of my uncle who got remarried a couple of times. They aren't my blood cousins as they are his step children but they were smoking hot and I had my inevitable reaction to hot women. I entertained the thought ever so slightly and I wasn't repulsed by the idea. Hmmm I wonder if that's morally wrong.
Well according to the law it probably is wrong, but from genetic standpoint it would be ok since they have no real genetic relation to you.
As far as having fantasies about relatives, it's kind of normal. If someone your related to just happens to have physical qualities that you find attractive, then it logically follows that sexual fantasies could develop. The family relation just affects whether or not you would actually form a relationship with the person, not if you think their attractive.