Originally Posted by KMA-628
I never said condone, I said give them a little latitude,
You seem to show absolutely no appreciation for all the gifts, rights and blessings that you do have. People have died trying to get their message out that is similar to yours. You have no fear of retribution, you can spout whatever doctrine you like and no one will stop you, and in fact, in many cases they will support your beliefs. Jesus man, have at least a small morsel of gratitude. What trials and tribulations did you have to go through to get your freedoms? None, they were given to you. And, why where they given to you? Because of where you live.
I don't really understand constant complaining while completely ignoring the good things that you have been given.
And many of the things you take for granted, are because of the sacrifice of others.
Do you have no compassion for the people that at lease somewhat contributed and did something so that you can complain about them?
I never give you a hard time about your beliefs, but in this matter, I think your overwhelming negativity clouds some of the things you could actually appreciate that are right in front of your face.
Whether you like or don't like what the troops do or how they do it, at least they are fighting for what they believe. You have to at least give them credit for standing up and fighting for something, regardless of what you think of the cause.
THANK YOU for a very eloquent post.
On a related point, because of all the anti-American, anti-Bush rhetoric, I think it would be interesting to do a couple of searches.
I'd like to see if our supporters of the ICC have EVER posted anything
a) Good about the US
b) Bad about terrorists (I don't call them "insurgents")
We could certainly narrow the number of posts to search if we eliminated any that used the word "neocon."