I just started playing DnD again after some brief forays into it many years ago. An online friend invited me to join their play group on openrpg (
www.openrpg.com). I've been having mad fun with it. We meet once a week and play for 4-5 hours.
Openrpg is basicaly a (free) specialized chat client that lets you do rolls, maps, and miniatures (and probably a ton of other stuff I don't know about). It's also got some DM tools, but I'm not familiar with those, except to know that after you roll initiative, the DM inputs it then openrpg keeps track of whose turn it is.
It's different than playing in real life, for sure, but not all of those differences are bad. It's easier to stay in character and work your imagination without the distraction of the physical side of things, for instance.