Once in grade 10 we where headed home on the schoolbus. I lived out in the country, so It was a long ride. Just as the bus was leaving the schoolyard I realized I had to pee. Badly. After 1/2 hour on the bumpy, bouncing bus, I thought I was going to explode. We're finally close to my house, when my friend sitting in front of me starts doing stupid, funny shit. I can't remember what he did, but I remember laughing so hard. And then it happened. I did explode- all the way down the front of my pants. I had a big backpack and covered myself up, and carried it in front of me as I got off the bus. Luckily nobody found out, I got off scot free and changed when I got in the house, then had the biggest pee of my life.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim