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Old 12-14-2004, 12:04 PM   #40 (permalink)
Spicy McHaggis
Location: Athens, OH
The game hade a great atmosphere. Valve set a mood with lots of gritty realism. But there was no real plot to speak of.

I was looking through the Half Life: Raising the Bar book at EB Games and I was amazed to read about this big plot and these other interesting enemies. Unfortunately they don't bother to tell you what the plot is in the game and these other important enemies are only seen for a fraction of a second as you cruise through the citidel.

I wasn't too disapointed when I finished the game, but after reading the book and seeing what was SUPPOSED to be in the game, and what the programmers had in mind but didn't bother to tell the players really pissed me off.
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