Originally Posted by archer2371
I don't mind giving equal time to both theories, because they both have merit, but presenting it in this fashion is just the wrong way to go about it. Just give the kids the facts about each and let them decide for themselves, I see no problem with that. However, he could have sprung for a more scientific book than "Of Pandas and People."
how do they both have merit?
to teach ID it would probably go like this: god (or 'the intelligent designer') created the universe and set everything in motion making things the way they are today. (total lesson time - 2 minutes, give or take question answering)
to teach evolution: natural selection, genetic drift, etc etc... here's the observable evidence backing this up. (total lesson time - could go really long depending on how indepth you want to make it)
the thing i find funny about ID is that doesn't ID negate free will? the major backers of ID seem to be fundamentalists, and they'll tell you that god gave us free will (and to use it to worship him or burn in hell

), but the ID theory seems to oppose that.