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Old 12-14-2004, 09:40 AM   #1 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
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Location: Grantville, Pa
Intelligent Design: It's place in schools...

I live in York, Pa (as you can see next to my name) Infamous Dover, Pa IS York.

My hometown is host to the stupidest educational decision I have heard in a very long time.

As most have heard, Dover recently decided that they will be teaching 'alternatives' to Evolution in their schools. This alternative is intelligent design, which will be taught through a book called "of Panda's and people"

Here is a very beautiful letter that was printed in my local paper on monday
Love God or leave America, professors
The York College professors who are so self-righteously protesting the teaching of a touch of creation history in the name of “intelligent design” in the Dover school system need to pause and thank the God of the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ for the freedom to speak out against the hand that is feeding them — America.

Also pause to thank our founding fathers, who, being inspired by “intelligent design,” fought all the battles that generated our Constitution and therefore freedom of speech. Now let’s compare. Every country on this earth that taught Darwin or otherwise ignored the God of the Holy Bible are all dictatorships or some other form of socialism such as bestowed by Hitler, Lenin, Stalin etc. — wherein “we the people” are enslaved and the penalty for speaking out gets a bullet in the nape of the neck. Is that the “free choice” the York College faculty want for America, too?

Thank goodness the “professors” shot themselves in the foot in their first paragraph when they use the term “evolutionary theory.” They are right. Evolution is theory while Christianity is truth and fact. There is nothing “supernatural” about creation science or America’s “God Bless America.” And yes, by all means teach intelligent design as a major part of the history of the great United States of America. To those who don’t like it, shut up or find another country that better suits your atheistic proclivities.

I especially love how this man assumes that if you have a view different from him, you have to leave the country.

Anyways, gotta love it, don't ya? especially how ignorant people don't understand the meaning of the word 'theory'
Dumbasses like this equate theory with it's popular meaning of hypothesis, educated guess, or hunch.
The 'theory' is Darwinism, but the concept of of one species descending from another, is considered to be scientific fact.
The 'Theory" is a well substantiated naturalistic explanation for a related set of facts.
Other famous theories include, relativity, plate tectonics, and gravity.
The things that all modern science is based upon The tenets of all we know are, really, theories.

The ID nuts like to focus on having an alternate viewpoint. But I bet they would balk if I tried to also install the creation mythology of Greeks or the Hundu myth where the divine presence created the elements and dispelled the darkness. All Creation myths have as much validity as Intelligent design. All are based on just as much observable fact. (none)

If I had more time on my hands, I'd print up some pamphlets where I postulate that the present theory of gravity is wrong and that we are held on earth by the hand of a higher power who keeps us from floating off the planet. Then lobby to get it installed in the Physics program. I think it would be fun to see who would come out to bitch about that one.

Anyway, to answer my title, there is none. Not until the ID'ers can come back to us with some observable fact, keep it in the religion class.

Last edited by Superbelt; 12-14-2004 at 09:44 AM..
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