I've owned two iPods now. I just bought the 40GB photo model. The color screen is really sharp but was a splurge. Not really sure if it was worth the extra $100 and my friends are probally sick of seeing 100+ pics of my daughter. The first iPod didn't die or break, simply my wife wanted it so I bought a new one. Daughter will get a mini for Xmas.
As for do you really need 40GB of music in your pocket? No. Why did I drop so much then for a 40GB, well I'm lazy. I owned a creative labs flashed based player before and would find myself listening to the same 10 songs for a week becuase I was too busy/lazy to reload it every night. 5 gig would be enough for most I'm sure but this way I have everything I own on it and can listen to whatever my mood strikes at the moment. (the auto-synch really helps me be lazy also)
*Rookie for life becuase I only post in tilted nonsense!*