Originally Posted by KMA-628
Mr. M -
I will try another word, how is that? I am confused by your attentiveness to the failings, as you see them, of my country. I can see here or there comments, I am just trying to understand the continual comments.
I don't want to get into your debates because the 2 of you are making very good points.... somtimes off topic and sometimes trying to draw blood from the other but you BOTh are being pretty good and civil.
However I just want to say one thing in regard to other country's citizens following our politics, and in some cases moreso than a majority of our own citizenry.
THE US is the big kahuna. Before when we had the USSR we had to play nice and since they fell we have had leaders on both sides of the aisle very adamnant towards our interests and saying screw the world.
So, I can see why people in other countries would want to watch what we do and take a deep interest as our policies, whether we here in the States see it or not, affect the world and other countries.
It's the same as why some of us watch other countries governments, the interest in what they are doing and how it will affect us.
just my 2 cents.