Originally Posted by scott_p_1
Is the "Aboot" thing really that common? As a Canadian, I've never really run into it lot, and know that I pronounce it properly.
ditto. I never hear aboot, just the normal 'about' like 'abowt' . It seems that i only hear 'aboot' when Americans try to mimic us... They however, tend to say about like this: 'abahwt'. so maybe its all relative displacement.
As for patriotic, I think that we went through a generation of relatively less patriotism, and now that the 'me generations' have fed throughthe system, and issues are more global, we are starting to re-assert ourselves. It seems that through my schooling, that patriotism was fairly strong in the early parts of the 20th century, which is how we got out from under the British yoke...