Originally Posted by asaris
If we parse this, her argument seems to be that only things provable through logic should be believed in (otherwise they're wishful thinking).
The fact that you and I exist can't be proved by logic (at least not that I'm aware of). Since our existance is one of my premises I don't see how you get that only things provable though logic should be believed. Is there an argument that doesn't assume God and still argues that he exists? All the ones I have read seemed to assume that God exists and then try and find a logical basis for him.
Robaggio, you don't think that there are things which almost every human agrees are good or bad? Is there any society that has said that murder is not a bad thing? Is there any society that says that stealing is acceptable? I doubt it. We are all human, made pretty much the same way. We tend to agree on right and wrong even if we define them slightly differently. That means that right and wrong do exist.