I read the Thomas Covenant series and I really didn't like it... It was some time ago when I read them so I can't really say what it was that bothered me about them but I just remember forcing myself to plod through *all* of the books and being completely unsatisfied... This is noteworthy only in that I've read and continue to read a lot of sci-fi/fantasy novels and this is the one stand out in all that I've read, that I really disliked.
As for recommendations, try anything by Neal Stephenson... I just finished bood two of his Baroque Cycle, which is a sort of prequel to his amazing Crytonomicon... If you haven't read Snow Crash or The Diamond Age you really should.
I'd also recommend, Fiest's Riftwar Saga... the first four books are the best. Magician: Apprentice, Magician: Master, Silverthorn and Darkness at Sethanon. The other books in this series range from Good to middling.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke