Originally Posted by Echodork
Most of the time, manufacturers set the bundles. Nintendo packages Double Dash with the Gamecube, and that's your bundle. Gamestop/EB can say "If you buy the system and you buy this other game with it, we'll give you Accessory X as a bundle." They cannot say "This Nintendo DS can only be sold as part of a bundle" if the DS is packaged in retail-ready packaging (and all DSes are). You got served.
only other possibility is that when I worked at Bose and Sunglass Hut we sold things as bundled but had to ring up each item individually. Retail computer/operating systems are strange little entities that seldom make sense and do things in logical ways. You have to be very exact with your input in order for them to do what you want them to do.
For example, your bundle might have cost 225 dollars had you purchased each item individually but because all three showed up he could then enter a discount key or some such which would create a bundled price of 199.99. In my experience, a note to this effect usually appeared on the receipt, so you might take a look for that, too.