Ok, Tonay Martin's case has been brought up and I think some of you need to become acquainted with the case.
He had been burgled before by the same people.
He prepared himself and had a loaded shotgun ready. His intent was to kill.
The victim who died was shot in the back. This does not constitute self defense in the mind of a jury.
A criminal running away in England is a matter for the police. An intruder facing you whilst standing in the dorrway to your house is a matter for the shotgun.
For all of you who carry, I agree that you feel confident in the use of your firearm and your rights to use it. The problem arises when people DON'T know when they may use it and it becomes a needless killing.
A druggie stealing your car radio doesn't need to die for that. The punishment doesn't justify the crime. If he were to approach you with a knife when you disturbed him, well, that's a different issue.
Do the kids that are toilet papering your house constitute a threat to your family?