I have to comment on this one..
Although opposite, Asian male, white female.
My best friend is an asian male, and his girlfriend/fiance is white. Now, she is the mother of 3 kids, from 2 dads, been married, divorced, had a kid out of wedlock to save a relationship that was downhill from the start. How do I know this, because she was also a very goo friend of mine. Bad choices or not, she was always a very nice, honest person, or so I thought.
Since theyve gotten together, I've seen things from here I never expected. Comments, ingorant, jealous attitude, things I didn't see before. But, now I have seen the side of her that is not likable at all.
What does this have to do with an asian you ask? Well, she doesn't want to work for anything, she wants everything handed to her on a platter. Asians in my experience, are family orintated people. Very dependent upon family members, and very, very loyal to friends. He has taken in her 3 kids. Not married, in 7 months bought her new appliances, paying her day care, paying her car payment, paying her house payments, all the while, he works his ass off, while she calls into work, he's workng his days off, overtime, while she sits at home. Since they've become together, he still lieks to do thins with his "boys". She will do anything in her power to set the kids aside to be able to allow time for the attention she craves.
He's very loyal, and doesn't see the problem with any of this. IMO, asian people are very loyal to friends, and family and this is no different. He's so loyal someone is using him, or so I think, and neglecting everything else to do it. His family is also not happy with the arrangement, and I truly believe it's because she's white. It also seems to me asians like to keep it within the culture. I'm not sure though, but all his brothers are married to other asian women.
I personally don't see any problems with it, it's just a story I had to share.