I appreciate your intelligent and well thought out responses on this board and while I feel like there is something to the comments that you're making, I still have this overwhelming feeling that you are only talking about a minority and not the majority. I just haven't had the same experiences as you. Indeed there are many women and men who are embarrased by their heritage be it stemming from lack of self esteem or confindence, a need to be accepted or whathaveyou. However, in your younger years, say 12-24, everyone has this problem at some point, it just becomes magnified when you look different. Or maybe even because you look the same and want to be different. You ever seen those white kids who try to act "black". Anyway, my experiance in Asia, chiefly in living in and visiting Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea (essentially industrialized Asia), has shown me the cultural emphasis on group thinking and dynamics. The few women in these countries that choose to date western men (while still a lot, is nowhere near even twenty percent of the female population) perhaps are attracted to the successful looking white guy, although in these countries with already humming economies it is less likely you will find a white guy that is the most successful, or even near the top. It seems just as likely to date a white man because you are a self hating, status hungry person as you are if you're just disallusioned by social norms. While I've never been to southeast Asia, I agree your theory seems more likely there, but how many of these women marry and leave the country with white men they meet? Again not a majority of the women. Just because you may work in the sex trade that caters to western tourists, doesn't necessarily mean you would want to leave with them. It probably just mean you understand you can take the most money from them while they're there.
In the case of countries that have already reached the first world, it seems your case would represent less than one might think. Yes eye surgery is popular in S. Korea and Japan, but by no means do a majority of these women have these cultural self-hating tendencies. Of course this is just my opinion. I hope I made this coherent enough